Chelsea O.
Registered Dietitian
Bachelor of Science in Nutrition from the University of Minnesota
Graduate Certificate of Dietetic Internship from Iowa State University
Certificate of Training in Childhood and Adolescent Weight Management
Chelsea is a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist (RDN) for Osceola Medical Center and Wild River Fitness. She completes nutritional assessments and education in the inpatient setting.
Chelsea is also involved in many of our community nutrition health efforts, such as Get Fit for Life, Right Step, Table Talk, Osceola Medical Center health seminars, community health fairs, Wild Kats after school program and other Wild River Fitness events.
Chelsea also works with community work-sites by offering nutritional seminars to local businesses.
Success Story
Chelsea is passionate about helping individuals on their journey to making healthier lifestyle choices by providing current, healthy nutrition information as well as offering support and encouragement for long-term success.